Monday 15 April 2013

Assessing the multidimensional impacts of NRM research: Evidence from a meta-analysis of the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium

An IRRI Seminar

By Roderick Rejesus
Associate professor and extension specialist
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

1530-1630 H*, Thursday, 18 April 2013 April 11
Havener Auditorium, IRRI

* The seminar will be live-streamed and includes participation from researchers in Bern, Switzerland, and Chaing Mai, Thailand. It will thus be held at a different time slot (1530-1630 H) from usual, so it streams at a friendly time (0830 H) in Bern.


Growing concern over the consequences of agricultural production on natural resources and the environment in developing countries has driven more emphasis on research that calls attention to these issues.

National and international agricultural research institutions are doing more research on developing and disseminating natural resource management (NRM) technologies and approaches. But has this recent emphasis on NRM research made an impact and do the benefits of NRM research outweigh the cost of research investments.

Many recent impact assessments of NRM research efforts have been “limited”, i.e., they focus only on a single technology, examine only one dimension of impact (mainly economic), and/or have limited geographical scope.

In this seminar, Rod will present the recent meta-impact assessment of various NRM technologies developed and disseminated by the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium (IRRC) in Asia as an example of a more comprehensive and multi-dimensional analysis of NRM research impacts.

Results demonstrate that the IRRC has made a range of impacts in multiple dimensions—from micro-level impact on farmer livelihoods to influencing national-level agricultural policy. Analysis suggests that the Consortium’s impact far outweigh research investments made and has thus been an effective international platform for strengthening NRM research in irrigated rice-based systems in Asia.

IRRC’s emphasis on partnerships, collaboration, and cross-country learning has strongly contributed to the range and magnitude of impact that it has generated. Hence, its consortium-based approach is a good model for the operation of agricultural research and extension organizations, especially those involved in NRM technology development and dissemination.

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